Anushka Shetty stunned one and all with her portrayal of a fiercely violent character in the glimpse of her much-anticipated film Ghaati, directed by...
Amritha Aiyer stills in Pink Stripes Georgette Saree at her upcoming Telugu movie Bachhala Malli trailer launch. “Bachhala Malli” represents another unique effort from...
Manika Chikkala sizzling stills in yellow saree at her upcoming Telugu movie Dhandoraa Launch. Dhandoraa movie had officially launched recently at Ramanaidu Studios in...
Amritha Aiyer stills in pink Soft Organza Saree at Telugu movie Bachhala Malli Interview. Malayali actress Amritha Aiyer has reached Telugu audiences with the...
Aishwarya Sharma stills in Pleated Chiffon Long Prom Dress at her upcoming Telugu movie Drinker Sai trailer launch event. Dharma and Aishwarya Sharma play...