Aditi Shankar stills in Pinstripe Waistcoat and Pant Co-ord Set at upcoming Telugu movie Premistava Trailer Launch. This Pongal, the Tamil movie Nesippaya, featuring...
The much-anticipated My South Diva Calendar 2025 launched in Hyderabad on Friday, featuring 12 renowned heroines from South Indian cinema. This year’s edition highlights...
Apsara Rani aka Anketa Maharana in lehanga stills at her upcoming Telugu movie Racharikam pre release event. Actress Apsara Rani made a stunning appearance...
Payal Rajput sizzles in Georgette Sequence Saree at her upcoming Telugu movie Venkata Lachimi opening event. Payal Rajput looked stunning in a georgette sequin...
Aditi Shankar in black Flare Midi front slit dress at Telugu movie Bhairavam Teaser Launch Event. Actress Aditi Shankar turned heads at the Bhairavam...