Ram Gopal Varma introduces yet another hot actress called Shree Rapaka aka ‘Sweety’ with upcoming movie ‘Naked Nanga Nagnam’. Sweety comes from Devarapalli in WEST GODAVARI district of ANDHRA PRADESH.
Ram Gopal Varma is making the most of the lockdown time by releasing his own movies. Touted to be an erotic thriller, the filmmaker recently released a film called ‘Climax‘ that starred Mia Malkova. Now, he is also set to release his another erotic film on his own website that is called as NNN aka Naked Nanga Nagnam. In his recent tweet, he specially introduced the lead actress of this movie to the fans, in case they missed it! Her name is ‘Sweety,’ whose Twitter and Instagram handles were also revealed by him.
Naked Nanga Nagnam movie actress Sweety Instagram account is instagram.com/sweety.nnn and her twitter account is twitter.com/sweetyNNN.
As per her Facebook account, Shree Rapaka is a fashion designer and she has designed costumes for some celebs and movies, including Ashima Narwal, Pragya Jaiswal and Pranam Khareedu 2019. She was one of the contestants on Gemini TV’s Telugu dance program Rangasthalam in 2018.