The much-anticipated My South Diva Calendar 2025 launched in Hyderabad on Friday, featuring 12 renowned heroines from South Indian cinema. This year’s edition highlights a mix of seasoned stars and rising talents, including Shriya Saran, Catherine Tresa, Kajal Aggarwal, Malvika Sharma, Tanya Hope, Aishwarya Krishna, Kushita Kallapu, Vinali Bhatnagar, Riya Sachdev, Kanika Mann, and Palak Aggarwal.
The star-studded event was graced by industry figures such as My South Diva Calendar founder and acclaimed photographer Manoj Kumar Katokar, Bharathi Cements Marketing Director Ravinder Reddy, cinematographer Gnana Shekhar, and directors Karuna Kumar and Sujana Rao. Each shared their heartfelt wishes for the calendar’s success.
Manoj Kumar Katokar, speaking at the event, expressed gratitude to the calendar’s supporters over its nine-year run, saying, “We’re excited to unveil the 2025 calendar featuring 12 stunning heroines. Many stars have gained recognition through our platform, and this year we’re proud to introduce five new faces. A big thank you to our partners, Bharathi Cements, Kiara Jewellery, and Eera Clinics, for their continued support.”
Cinematographer Gnana Shekhar praised the calendar’s visuals, noting, “The vibrant colors and artistic composition are truly remarkable. Manoj’s dedication is evident in every shot.”
Director Karuna Kumar shared fond memories of working with Manoj and announced the re-release of his film Palasa on March 6th. Director Sujana Rao extended her best wishes, and Ravinder Reddy from Bharathi Cements highlighted the calendar’s celebration of diverse cultures.
Heroines like Malvi Malhotra and Riya Sachdev expressed their enthusiasm for being part of the project, with Riya adding, “The love from the Telugu audience is unforgettable.”
The My South Diva Calendar remains a prestigious platform that celebrates both emerging and established talent in South Indian cinema.
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