Telugu streaming platform aha, which houses the latest blockbuster films, web shows and originals, is turning a new leaf. The platform that ushered in a new era of popular non-fiction content in Telugu web space, with a flurry of talk shows like Sam Jam (hosted by Samantha Akkineni), Tamasha with Harsha (hosted by Viva Harsha) and the third season of Rana’s No.1 Yaari, is putting together another talk show titled aha Bhojanambu. Actor, producer Lakshmi Manchu will host the show where the biggest celebs from the tinsel town dish out yummy delicacies across various cuisines and bond with the host over their love for food.
The show is co-presented by MTR & Himalaya Pure Hands.
MTR the leading packaged foods company that provides unique, tasty, time-efficient food solutions for dishes across multiple cuisines. “MTR Foods has a wide range of products that are perfectly suited to the Telugu palate. The products include masalas like Sambar and Masala Karam, to the popular Gulab Jamun Mix that can be used to make all occasions special, and convenient and delicious Breakfast products like Dosa and Idli Mixes. aha Bhojanambu is the perfect platform to showcase our products and their usage, as it combines the love for food and celebrities in a distinctive way,” said Sunay Bhasin, Chief Commercial Officer, MTR Foods Pvt. Ltd.
Himalaya Pure Hands is one of India’s leading hygiene brands from Himalaya Wellness. Himalaya has been at the forefront of ensuring hand hygiene through its wide range of sanitisers and hand washes. Sarfraz Rumane, General Manager – Health & Hygiene, Consumer Products Division, Himalaya Wellness, said, “We are delighted to partner with aha for their celebrity cooking show – aha Bhojanambu. Celebrities cooking great food and emphasizing on the importance of hygiene while cooking is a great way to spread the message. Our ‘Pure Hands’ range is made with the goodness of natural antimicrobial herbs like Tulsi, Lemon, Vetiver, Ushira, etc., giving 99.9% germ protection, both at home as well as on the go. With aha’s wide reach, we will amplify the importance of hand hygiene and exemplify Himalaya’s mission of sharing Happiness through Wellness.”
aha Bhojanambu triggers the many pleasant memories and nostalgia associated with food in the lives of the guests over fun conversations. The viewers will have an adequate dose of adrenaline rush with several food challenges in store. Through aha Bhojanambu, the platform rings in a new twist to the talk show format with a mouth-watering culinary dimension. The list of stars who’ll add glitter to the show with their presence runs long and includes Rakul Preet Singh, Tharun Bhascker, Vishnu Manchu, Akhil Akkineni, Prakash Raj, Anand Deverakonda, Rana Daggubati and Vishwak Sen to name a few. Lakshmi Manchu, in a league of her own and with a vast experience in hosting talk shows, promises to be at her peppy best.
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