Heroshini Komali is a South Indian film actress who predominantly appears in Telugu movies. Heroshini Komali R’s previous film to hit the theatres was NTR Katha Nayakudu in the year 2019, playing NTR’s youngest daughter Uma Maheshwari. Heroshini debuted in the 35 crore budget Telugu movie A Aa (2016) directed by Trivikram. Later in 2019, Heroshini made her Kollywood debutant in the role of a police officer’s daughter role in the movie Utraan. She is also known as Hiroshini Komali.
The 20-year-old became a sensation after her mimicry shows, which she did along with her younger sister Devarshini, became a raging hit in the Telugu states. In fact, the two are popularly known as ‘Komali sisters’. Heroshini took a four-year break from her mimicry shows to groom herself for films.
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