Anjali stills in black traditional wear at Telugu Web Series Bahishkarana success meet. Following the resounding success of “Bahishkarana” on ZEE5, a celebration was held to honor the achievements of the cast and crew. The web series, a gripping village revenge drama, has been gaining immense popularity since its release on July 19. With a stellar cast and a compelling narrative, it has captured the hearts of viewers. Actress Ananya Nagalla also plays and important role in this web series. At the success meet, actress Anjali, shared her thoughts on the series and her role.
Anjali, who portrays the character of Pushpa, expressed her gratitude and enthusiasm: “I chose this role to challenge myself and experience something new. Playing Pushpa has been a transformative journey lasting over a year and a half. It’s not easy to leave this role behind. The audience has warmly embraced Pushpa. As an actress, I pour my heart into every role. However, the brilliance lies in the writing, and Mukesh has done a phenomenal job with the script. The visuals are also a standout feature, thanks to Prasanna. Working alongside an artist like Ravindra Vijay is exhilarating. It’s hard to imagine anyone else portraying the role of Shivayya as convincingly as he did. Sritej’s directorial skills are commendable, and the project wouldn’t have reached its full potential without Prashanthi’s support as a producer. Our collaboration with ZEE5 has enabled us to reach a vast audience. I urge everyone who hasn’t seen ‘Bahishkarana’ yet to watch it; I’m confident you’ll enjoy it.”