‘Pottel’ is a revolutionary blockbuster directed by Sahit Motkhuri starring Yuva Chandra Krishna and Ananya Nagalla in lead roles. The film is produced by Nishank Reddy Kudithi under Nisa Entertainments and Suresh Kumar Sadige under Pragya Sannidhi Creations. The movie released in theaters worldwide on October 25 and is running successfully, attracting audiences from all walks of life and receiving critical acclaim. On this occasion, the team organized a success meet. Here are photos of the movie’s lead actress Ananya Nagalla at the event.
Heroine Ananya Nagalla said… The response from the audience to the film is amazing. The response is much greater than we expected. It is very happy that the audience came and gave so much support to the premieres and the first day. Thank you so much audience. Theaters felt 100%. A small film has not received such a good response in recent times. Sahit has turned a wonderful story into a great one. What you see is what you want to see. A lot of people are talking about my role in particular. The audience is very happy when they call it Buzzamma. The producers made the movie with a lot of passion. Yuva acted very well. Thank you so much everyone. The family audience is yet to come. The same way Mathrudeo connected with Bhava’s movie, he will also connect with this movie. Everyone should come and experience this movie in theatres’, she said.
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